Welcome to Pentecostal Tabernacle!
We hope to see you soon!

What is it Like?

     Our services open with prayer and a time of worship. We sing both traditional and contempary songs. We belive in allowing God's Spirit to move as He see's fit to. Niether worship nor the time given to preach the word are held to a certain time, though we do not seek to drag service out.

What about my kids?

     We offer a class on Sunday Morning for childern 12 and under. We also have a nursery set up for mothers with small children for whatever needs they may have. We aim to keep our children with us in service as much as possible so that they can learn from those around them how to worship and honor God from those around them. we understand that somtimes babies cry and little kids squirm but we know that is part of growing up in God's House.

Where do I park?

     Parking is availble right next to the building and feel free to park in any spot.

What do I wear?

     That is for you to decide. We will not treat you any different based on your attire. All are welcome to come as they feel is right for them.

How do I get connected?

     You can send a message right here on our website if you would like. You can also email the church at PENTECOSTALTABERNACLESAC@yahoo.com. The Church Phone is (916)427-9521. Finally you can call or text the Pastor on his cell at any time (909)362-7221. We look forward to hearing from you!